Ping Sweep

nmap is a great tool to use to perform a network ping sweep, however there is an effective way to perform a ping sweep with out any additional installation. A FOR loop can be used to perform consecutive pings.

Ping Sweep FOR Loop: FOR /L %i in (<Host Number Start (0-255)>,1,<Ending Host Number (0-255)>) do @ping -n 1 <Network Prefix>.%i | find “Reply”

The FOR loop is basically saying start at a network prefix with stated starting host number value and send a ping. Once a reply as been received the first loop is finished and it continues to the next loop. After each loop, the host number increases and a ping is sent to that address on the network. For example, say the network prefix is 192.168.0 and we want to ping host numbers (3-43). We would enter 3 as our beginning host number and 43 as are finishing host number. The one in between the two parameters states to increase each address by one for each running of the for loop. This allows us to ping each host on the the specified network range, thus performing a ping sweep.

Windows Example:

The following command ping sweeps addresses in range –

FOR /L %i in (1,1,255) do @ping -n 1 192.168.100.%i | find "Reply"

The same function can be done in the Linux Terminal.

Linux Ping Sweep:

Linux is slightly different but follows almost the same pattern.

for i in {0..255}; do ping -c 1 -t 1 <IP PREFIX>.$i | grep 'from'; done

Mount a Network Drive Linux

Mount a Linux Drive in Linux Machine:

  1. Create a directory for mount: mkdir /<mount place>
  2. Mount Drive: mount <Linux file system address>:/<share> /<mount place>
  3. View Contents of mounted drive: ls /<mount place>

Mount a Windows Drive in a Windows Machine:

  1. Create a directory for mount: mkdir /<mount place>
  2. Mount Drive: mount -t smbfs //<file system address>/<share> /<mount place> -o username=<username>,password=<password>
  3. View contents of mounted drive: ls /<mount place>


In a Linux machine, for a Windows Drive, it is required to state that the drive uses a Samba File System. This will notify Linux of how to read the drive.

Termainl User Commands

List Users: cat /etc/passwd | grep “/home” |cut -d: -f1 && cat /etc/passwd | grep “/root” |cut -d: -f1

The Command ‘cat /etc/passwd | grep “/home” |cut -d: -f1’ on its own will list all the users found in the home directory. However root is not found in that directory so I added the additional statement to grep users in the /root directory, which will be root.

Add User: adduser <username> OR useradd <username>

Remove User: userdel <username>

Create User gGoup: groupadd <group name>

Add User to a Group: usermod -a -G <group name> <username>

Remove user:

  1. vi /etc/group
  2. Find the group and delete the user from it’s details
  3. Save File (Hit ESC then type :wq ENTER)


Delete Group: groupdel <group name>

Editing the Registry in CMD

Command to display: reg query <registry keyname> /v <value name>

Command to change value: reg add <registry keyname> /v <value name> /t <type: DWORD, etc.> /d <data> /f

Registry keyname – complete registry key name

/v – adds or changes a value

/t – The type of value: REG_BINARY, REG_DWORD…

/s – specifies the character used to separate strings

/d – data assigned to a value

/f – forces overwriting of existing values with prompting

***Registry values manage computer settings and operations. If a registry is incorrectly changed or deleted, the computer might not startup or run.

Windows CMD Adding and Removing Users

To View Users: net user

To View Specific User: net user <username>

Add User: net user <username> <password> /add

Delete User: net user <username> /delete

Create a local user group (for network groups use ‘group’ instead of ‘localgroup’: net localgroup <group name> /add

Add user to local group: net localgroup <group name> <username> /add

Delete user from group: net localgroup <username> /delete

Delete local group: net localgroup <group name> /delete