Compiling ParaView v4.1.0 Error: undefined reference to `_XGetRequest’


While compiling ParaView from the source files, I ran into the following error while running the ‘make’ command.

… undefined reference to `_XGetRequest'
make[2]: *** [bin/icetTests_mpi] Error 1
icetTests_mpi.dir/all] Error2


In my case, the X11 libraries were installed separately and were located in custom directory locations that differed from the default. I fixed this error by checking and correcting the paths for my X11 libraries and include directories within the ccmake configuration menu. The error was then fixed during the next ‘make.’

Compiling ParaView v4.1.0 Error: couldn’t connect to server


I received the following error while trying to compile ParaView from source.
7dc839fb2825efa8c55e4275fee02a75 ("couldn't connect to server")

ParaView Compile Error

For some reason, the requested files could not be pulled from the server. You may have proxy issues or restricted internet access.


Manually download all MD5 files from and place into your ExternalData/Objects/ within the build directory.

Compiling ParaView v4.1.0 Error: error: X11/SM/SMlib: error: X11/StringDefs.h: No such file or directory


After using ccmake to configure ParaView options, I received the following errors while running ‘make.’

In file included from ...X11/Shell.h:51:26: error: X11/SM/SMlib.h: 
No such file or directory


error: X11/Intrinsic.h: No such file or directory


In file included from ...Wrapping/ClientServer/
error: X11/StringDefs.h: No such file or directory
error: X11/Intrinsic.h: No such file or directory
In file included from ...Wrapping/ClientServer/

ParaView Error: Missing header


These issues were due to my libraries being installed in custom locations. Double check all paths supplied in the ccmake configuration and try copying the libxt (X11/all file contents), ICE (X11/ICE), SM (X11/SM) library directories into VTK/Rendering/OpenGL/X11 within your build directory. The error occurred because the compiler could not find the requested libraries.