AngularJS Setup Environment

Similar to yesterday’s post, I started a basic AngularJS startup environment, something I can just grab and program with whenever I want to start a new angular app. It’s just a pain re-setting up the environment each time.

Borrow if you like or contribute, thanks!

Screenshot of
Initial Angular Environment Setup

React Setup Environment

I started a react startup environment, something I can just grab and program with whenever I want to start a new React app. It’s just a pain re-setting up the environment each time.

Borrow if you like or contribute, thanks!

Screenshot of
Initial React Environment Setup


Deep Photo Style Transfer

This really cool github project, called deep-photo-style-transfer, was shared with me awhile back.

It basically takes two images and merges them together very cleanly. Their code takes an approach to photographic style transfer that can take on a large variety of image content while preserving the reference style. Their research can be viewed here. Here are some pictures below of what it can do!

Check it out!