Python URL Term Scrapper (Kind of Like a Very Dumb/Simple Watson)

I wrote this a while back to scrape a given URL page for all links it contains and then search those links for term relations. The Python scrapper first finds all links in a given url. It then searches all the links found for a list of search terms provided. It will return stats on the number of times specific provided terms show up.

This may come in handy while trying to find more information on a given topic. I’ve used it on Google searches (be careful, you can only scrape google once ever 8 or so seconds before you are locked out) and wikipedia pages to gather correlation statistics between topics.

It is old code… so there might be some errors. Keep me posted!

#!/usr/bin/env python
#ENSURE permissions are 755 in order to have script run as executable

import os, sys, re, datetime
from optparse import OptionParser
import logging, urllib2

def parsePage(link, list):
    searchList = {}
        f = urllib2.urlopen(link)
        data =
        for item in list:
            if (item.title() in data) or (item.upper() in data) or (item.lower() in data):
        return searchList
    except Exception, e:
        print "An error has occurred while parsing page " +str(link)+"."
        log.error(str(" "+str(e))

def searchUrl(search):
        f = urllib2.urlopen(search)
        data =
        pattern = r"/wiki(/\S*)?$" #regular expression to find url
        links = re.findall(pattern, data)
        return links
    except Exception, e:
        print "An error has occurred while trying to reach the site."
        log.error(str(" "+str(e))

def main():
        parser = OptionParser() #Help menu options
        parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="search", help="String containing URL to search.")
        parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", help="File containing search terms.")
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        if not or not options.file:
            parser.error('Term file or URL to scrape not given')
            urls = searchUrl(
            f = open(options.file, 'r')
            terms = f.readlines()
            for url in urls:
                parsePage(url, terms)
            print "Results:"
            print searchList
    except Exception, e:
        log.error(str(" "+str(e))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    log = logging.getLogger("error") #create error log
    formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
    handler = logging.FileHandler('error.log')
    except Exception, e:
        print "An error has occurred, please review the error.log for more details."
        log.error(str(" "+str(e))

Python TypeError: expected a character buffer object


I received the following python error:

TypeError: expected a character buffer object

The below screenshot shows my code.

Python Error


I was using the replace method, while the better method for my situation would be to use the re.sub(patter, replace, string) method, the new line became:

my_text = re.sub(comp, '#undef SEEK_SET\n#undef SEEK_END\n
#undef SEEK_CUR\n#include ', f)

The replace method expects string parameters (looks for a string within a string), while I wanted to use a regular expression to search a string.

SSL Encryption for Django’s Local/Native Server

Django comes packaged with a lightweight python server. It is not intended to be a production server but more a testing/development host. Running the server is as easy as running the following command within a Django project:

python runserver

Since it’s so lightweight, it doesn’t come with the same abilities as other servers like Apache or Nginx. It can’t perform encryption, however, there’s a nifty tool called stunnel that can do it for you!

“Stunnel is an open-source multi-platform computer program, used to provide universal TLS/SSL tunneling service” (Wikipedia).


The following steps were performed on my iMac running OS X Mavericks with a Django 1.5 installation. I believe my instructions should still work for different versions (most) and Linux distributions.


Initially, I downloaded the latest version of Stunnel, however I ran into numerous compiling issues. One of them being: “ld: warning: directory not found for option ‘-L/usr//lib64.’” The error indicated I did not have the necessary 64x library. When I downloaded version, 4.54, everything compiled nicely.

  • Download the stunnel-4.54.tar.gz source code.
  • Open a terminal window and run the following command to untar (unzip) the file.
 tar –xvf stunnel-4.54.tar.gz
  • Run the following commands to enter the directory and install the tool (credit).
cd stunnel-4.54
./configure && make && make check && sudo make install
  • During the install stage, you will be required to enter in certificate data. Stunnel will conveniently make a self-signed SSL certificate for you and save it to /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem. Thanks Stunnel!
  • Create a configuration file for Stunnel (credit). I put the file inside my Django project to keep things organized.
vim dev_https
  • Edit the file and add the following lines in order to manipulate Stunnel to work with your environment.
  • Save the file (For vim: ESC ‘:wq’ ENTER).


  • Start the Stunnel HTTPS tunneling service.
sudo stunnel <PATH OF dev_https>

  • Next, start your Django server.


Note – I used purposefully as my hosting IP address, I only want Django to run locally. I do not want the server to run on a public/accessible IP.  Only stunnel will receive web requests.

That’s it! Now stunnel is listening for all encrypted, incoming messges on whatever port you specified. When a request comes in, it will decrypt it and send it locally to your Django server. Following, Django will then respond through the tunnel to the requesting client with the proper data.

PIR Sensor on the Pi

Today I soldered a PIR sensor to my Pi! Basically, I want it to detect movement and turn on a LCD screen, then turn the screen off again after a minute of no movement. So when I walk into a room, the screen turns on and when I leave, the screen turns off.



First thing, I looked up the pinout for the Raspberry Pi. The below diagram comes from

We care about one of the 5V, ground and GPIO25 pins.

  • Solder the sensor red cable to either 5V.
  • Solder the black cable to ground.
  • End by soldering the yellow line to GPIO25.

Your results should be similar to my picture below.


Next, I used this guy’s script. The script requires the Python library RPi.GPIO. I installed this by downloading the library from here, the direct link is here. To untag or unzip the file I used the following command:

tar -xvf RPi.GPIO-0.5.4.tar.gz

Before installing it, make sure you have python-dev installed.

apt-get install python-dev

With that necessary package, install RPi.GPIO.

cd RPi.GPIO-0.5.4
python install

Now you can run the script. I made some slight changes to his code. I didn’t feel the need to call separate scripts to run a single command so I made the following edits.

import subprocess


import os


def turn_on():"sh /home/pi/photoframe/", shell=True)
def turn_off():"sh /home/pi/photoframe/", shell=True)


def turn_on(): 
    os.system("chvt 2")
def turn_off(): 
    os.system("chvt 2")

Run the script and test it out! The sensor will turn off after a minute of no movement and on again once it detects something. I ended by setting my script to run on startup.

2014-01-30 20.33.51

I need to put a picture in the frame to act as background to the pi…

Type-Safe vs Dynamically Typed Programming Languages

So a lot of my posts include Python code. Python is a powerful, dynamically typed, free application programming language.

Programming languages are either type-safe or dynamically typed. One setting isn’t necessarily better than the other. It all just depends on your project and what you are trying to accomplish.

Type-Safe (Statically typed)

A variable type (int, unsigned int, double, float, etc.) must be explicitly stated when a variable is declared. The variable is fixed at compile time which allows the compiler then uses this supplied information to ensure the right data is used in the right context. Languages such as C, C+ and Java are type-safe.


  • Less bugs (There is no chance of misreading a variable)
  • Safer programming
  • Easier to manage complexity in large projects (Everyone is aware of types and their purpose)
  • More control over types (You state the type, you are in control over exactly how the compiler sees it)


  • Decreased flexibility
  • Not as recyclable (It’s not as easy to reuse your code for multiple purposes)

 Good For:

  • Complicated algorithms and data structures which require strict low-level controls
  • Memory sensitive large dataset manipulation
  • Well-defined functions that are likely not to change much over time
  • Large development teams

Dynamically Typed

Variables are not declared with a given type. Types are basically determined by the compiler. These languages normally include extensive run-time checks to prevent most type errors.


  • Very flexible
  • Easily Recyclable
  • Quick development speed and turn-around time
  • Reduces amount of overall code leading to possible reduction in bugs


  • Can have some undesirable effects on the code (If the wrong type is understood in a situation, some funky things can happen)
  • More prone to human failures such as typing errors (Say you mistyped a variable, it might be seen as a new variable all together in a dynamic setting)
  • Decreased efficiency due to run-time checks

Good for:

  • Connecting different components or languages together
  • Creating graphical user interface
  • Text manipulation (Concatenating, regular expressions, search, etc.)
  • Ever changing code
  • Small segments of CPU-time intensive work
  • Automatic memory administration
  • Web server communications
  • Consistent performance across OS platforms (meaning I can run the script the same on Windows, OSX, Linux, Unix etc.)

Not to Be Confused With… 

In addition, there is also something known as weakly and strongly typing (totally different concept from the type-safe/dynamic stuff). This refers to one type being able to be used as another type. A strong language will not let a string all of a sudden act as an integer. A weak language will allow this, mostly due to unintentionally loopholes. Languages such as Pearl and C are known for being weakly typed while Python is a strongly typed language.                     

People will argue one over the other, similar to the whole Mac vs PC debate, in reality both benefit and serve different programming objective purposes.

Python OptionParser

I love when code makes life easier. However, if you don’t know what the code does… life isn’t so easy now. That’s why we have man pages!

In honor of those “man” pages…

Except building a man page for a script and handling the “-h” argument from a command prompt can be tedious.

Python has a really cool library called optparse, that includes the ability to make a “help” output for a script along with argument handling. You know how nice that is to have a library take care of the whole argument handling? Very nice! I would hate to use regular expressions to try and parse a list of command line inputs.

If my blog posts about the language haven’t made this obvious already, I really love Python. It does have faults because it is not a type-safe language and in some circumstances that can be an issue. I’ll go into detail at a later time. Ideally, it is best to have both type-safe and dynamic type languages in your repertoire of tools.

Anyways, back to Optparse. It’s basically self-explanatory.

Import OptionParser.

from optparse import OptionParser

Next, setup an OptionParser object.

parser = OptionParser()

Give it some flags or parameter options. You do not have to create a -h or help option, this will be created for you automatically. Below is a template for creating an option.

parser.add_option("-<OPTION LETTER>", "--<OPTION NAME>", dest="<VARIABLE NAME TO STORE OPTION CONTENT>", default=<DEFAULT VALUE>, help="<HELP TEXT>")

Each option creates a possible input parameter that user’s can specify. If you do not want the user to have to input a value, maybe a flag is more your style.

A flag is a true or false notification that does not require additional user input. If a flag is present do something, if not do something else. To create a flag, set the default option to true or false and add “action=”store_true” or add “action=”store_false” in order to simulate a flag option. When you want the flag to turn a statement true set “action=”store_true” and “default=False” and the exact opposite for a flag to turn something false. 

To help clarify things, I wrote up a fun example below.


The below was coded for Python 2.7 and saved to a file called

from optparse import OptionParser
import os, time

def somethingCool(dazzling):
    print "Something Cool"
    if dazzling:
        print "\n~*~*~*~*~*~*~"+dazzling+"~*~*~*~*~*~*~"

def somethingStupid(dazzling):
    print "Something Stupid..."
    if dazzling:
        print "\n--------------"+dazzling+"--------------"

def main():
    parser = OptionParser() #Help menu options
    parser.add_option("-c", "--cool", action="store_true", dest="cool", default=False, help="Do something cool!")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--stupid", action="store_true", dest="stupid", default=False, help="Do something stupid...")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--dazzling", dest="dazzling", default=None, help="Add this dazzling text to the cool or stupid thing.")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    elif options.stupid:
        print "Lame, you selected nothing..."

if __name__ == "__main__":


OptionParser will automatically create a help option (-h) for you. Here is what the help screen looks like for my code example:

Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 3.52.37 PM

Basically, if I call the script with the -c flag, something cool will happen.

python -c

If I call the script with the -s flag, something stupid will happen.

python -s

Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 3.52.55 PM

If I call the script with the -d <TEXT> and a flag something will happen with text.

python -c -d "My Blog at"

Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 3.54.36 PM

If I don’t provide a -s or a -c flag, the code insults me… A flag isn’t required but nothing else will happen if one isn’t given.

Screen Shot 2014-01-21 at 4.07.48 PM

Check out for more details. Have fun!

Logging on Python 2.7

Something actually useful… logging! Not talking about lumber but logging code issues, data, access, anything useful in an application environment. Python makes this super easy!

Logging is part of the Python standard library and can be imported with the following line of code.

import logging


First step after importing the library is to initiate the logger. 

log = logging.getLogger(__name__) #create a log object

The logger name hierarchy is analogous/identical to the Python package hierarchy if you organize your loggers on the recommended per-module basis. This is why you should use “__name__” which is the module’s name in the Python package namespace.

After creating a log, now the level needs to be specified. There are different declared levels of severity for logging. Below is a list of these levels ordered from least to most severe.

  • DEBUG – Detailed information for diagnosing problems.
  • INFO – Confirmation that things are working as expected.
  • WARNING – Notice that something unexpected happened, however the software is still working as expected.
  • ERROR – Data on an issue that has happened, which has preventing a function from being performed.
  • CRITICAL – Information about a serious problem! The program may not even run at all with this going on!

Items are logged based on the level of severity you set for the log. The default level is “warning”, this will track warning, error and critical items. If you selected debug, everything on up would be tracked.

Remember, you are the one who determines the level for a log message, so say you create a debug warning but your logging level is set to error. The debug message will not be printed because it is not of the error severity or higher.

log.setLevel(logging.<LOGGING LEVEL>)

Formats the log all pretty. This format, places the level first followed by the message I choose to insert.

formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] %(message)s')

This creates a handler for logging everything to a specified file.

handler = logging.FileHandler(<FILE PATH>)

Set the file handler with the format specified earlier.


Enforce the log to use the handler.



All together

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.setLevel(logging.error) #error level
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] %(message)s')
handler = logging.FileHandler('error.log') #log to file error.log

Implementation – Logging Items

It’s simple, just use the following syntax wherever you want a log entry to be made in your code.


Example'This is awesome!')

I like to use logging to report errors from “try and except” statements in a situation where I don’t want the loop to stop because of an error.
while 1:
  except, Exception E:
                  logging.error(str(" "+e) #I’ll add the timestamp with datetime for kicks

There you have it, very useful and simple python programming. More documentation at

My Ultimate Network Monitor/Enumeration Tool – Putting It All Together

Finally, all the parts come together. Look at my previous posts for all the pieces to building the LilDevil network monitor and enumeration tool.

The LilDevil

So this tool I created sits on a Raspberry Pi. Its purpose is to monitor and enumerate all devices currently connected to a network. In this case, it sits on my Guest network. Tomato Shibby is running on my router and I used its web interface to setup the network, along with limiting access. For all guests jointing this network, they are warned by the router’s splash page that tools such as this will be running. Its a free network and they really can’t expect anything different going on. In this case, its not malicious, but it is good practice to be wary of guest networks.

To be less suspicious, the hostname of the Raspberry Pi is RainbowDash 😉 This amuses me so much, the perfect disguise! If I saw a device named LilDevil running on a guest network I would be totally alarmed. I also themed the Pi accordingly, see the below screenshot. The coloring isn’t perfect, I blame VNC.


The Pi runs a Django Restful server that stores mmap scan information about detected machines on the network. The Python 2.7 scripts for this are here. I had to make a few versions in order for things to work on Django 1.6.

In, change

encoded = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)


encoded = json.loads(request.body)

Also, I had to make some changes in, in order to get the ping sweep to work appropriate.

Change MIN and MAX to an integer instead of a string.




Here is a copy of the new main function.

def main():
    global results
    while 1:
        new = ""
        for x in range(MIN,MAX):
            new = new + commands.getoutput("ping -c 1 -t 1 "+PREFIX+"."+str(x) + " | grep 'from'") #Ping sweep the network to find connected devices
        tmp = re.findall(PREFIX+".(d+)", str(new)) #Pull out IP addresses from the ping results
        if tmp != results:
            for ip in tmp:
                if ip not in results:
                    gotcha = commands.getoutput('nmap -v -A -Pn '+PREFIX+'.'+ip)
            for r in results:
                if r not in tmp:
            results = tmp

The information is up to date on all devices currently connected. It may be nice in the future to include a log of all scans but for now, I’m really only interested in connected machines.

Data is then displayed in a visible GUI. The below screenshot shows the tool windows along with the GUI. Currently, no devices were connected to the network.

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 9.27.49 PM


Ahhh it detected a device… in this case, itself.

Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 7.58.55 PM

There you have it! A portable network enumeration tool. There are so many versions of this everywhere, but this is just something I coded up for fun. I plan to add to the Pi later for kicks.

Playing with the Pi: Portable Server

I want to use my Kali Raspberry Pi as a RESTful proxy server. Nice thing is, the little pi is portable!

My favorite web framework… still Django! While searching the web, I found a lot of extra crap people reported as necessary for the install. It really is an easy process… at least Kali.

Install Django on the Pi
This was actually very easy. Make sure everything is updated on the device.

sudo apt-get update

Following, install pip. This python package manager will be used to download Django.

sudo apt-get install -y python-pip

Follow up with Django.

sudo pip install django

Easy sauce, not a hard install at all. This installed Django 1.6. Here is a great tutorial on how to build your first app.

IMPROVEMENTS: Detecting New Network Devices with Python and Tkinter

So I wasn’t too happy with the kludginess of the network monitoring tool that I posted about earlier this week. It lagged and really wasn’t an ideal tool. I decided to redesign the entire model.

New Model

The new tool still utilizes Python 2.7 and consists of three parts:

  • Ping/Enumeration Script
  • RESTful Django Script
  • Tkinter Reporting GUI Script

Here is how they connect. The Ping/Enumeration Script, pings all devices given within a network range. Whenever it finds a new device, it runs a NMAP scan on the device then formulates a request to the server to notify it of the device scan results. The script will also notify the server when a device disconnects from the network (this was an issue with the old version).

The Django server manages a sqlite database containing scan results on all devices currently connected to the network. It will remove or add a device record based on the ping script’s RESTful HTTP request. The server can also return a list of all devices detected. This list is used by the GUI script.

The GUI script maintains a Tkinter dialog window that will circulate through all network connected device scan results. It first sends a GET request to the Django server asking for a JSON list of all connected devices. The script will then display each record found in the JSON. Each device record will appear in the GUI window for 20 seconds. After it has made the rounds through each item, it will make another call to the server for a fresh JSON to iterate through.

The Ping/Enumeration Script is basically the same as what I discussed earlier. The difference is, after data is collected, it is sent to the Django server in a POST request.

import commands, re, json, urllib2, binascii
PREFIX = "192.168.1" #Network prefix
MIN = "0" #Starting network address, eg
MAX = "12" #Closing network address, e.g.
results = []

def escapeMe(message): #Escape characters (using ASCII value) not allowed in JSON
    new = ""
    for num in range(len(message)):
        char_code = ord(message[num])
        if char_code < 32 or char_code == 39 or             char_code == 34 or char_code == 92:
            new = new + "%" + binascii.hexlify(message[num])
            new = new + message[num]
    return new

def sendDevice(gotcha): #Send the device report to the server as a POST
        url = "" #Server address
        gotcha = escapeMe(gotcha)
        values = json.dumps({'device' : str(gotcha)})
        req = urllib2.Request(url)
        req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        rsp = urllib2.urlopen(req, values)
        code = rsp.getcode()
    except Exception, e:
        print e

def removeDevice(ip): #Send request to remove device
        ip = ip.replace('.','-')
        url = ""+ip+"/"
        rsp = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        code = rsp.getcode()
    except Exception, e:
        print e

def main():
    global results
    while 1:
        new = commands.getoutput('for i in {'+MIN+'..'+MAX+'}; do ping -c 1 -t 1 '+PREFIX+'.$i | grep "from"; done') #Ping sweep the network to find connected devices
        tmp = re.findall(PREFIX+"\.(\d+)", str(new)) #Pull out IP addresses from the ping results
        if tmp != results:
            for ip in tmp:
                if ip not in results:
                    gotcha = commands.getoutput('nmap -v -A -Pn '+PREFIX+'.'+ip) #nmap new devices found on the network
                    sendDevice(gotcha) #send device record to server
            for r in results:
                if r not in tmp:
                    removeDevice(PREFIX+'.'+r) #remove device if it wasn't found in the latest ping
            results = tmp

if __name__ == "__main__":

Django is an awesome Python Web Application Framework that I absolutely adore (not the movie 🙂 ). It is known as the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. Most of my web projects utilize Django.


It comes with its own lightweight server to host its applications, so its perfect for any development environment. For the sake of this project, I’m using its server, all script/server functionality is limited to the host machine running the tool. Everything is internal. Django also handles the RESTful routing and database modeling. It uses the model view controller (MVC) structure. Here is a great tutorial on how to create your own Django app, definitely worth looking into!

The following is the break down of code I wrote for the Django server (running version 1.3).
from django.db import models

class Devices(models.Model):
    device = models.TextField()

####################ADD to
url(r'^new/$', '', name='new'),
url(r'^listDevices/$', 'lilDevil.views.listDevices', name='listDevices'),
url(r'^remove/(?P*ip*.+)/$', 'lilDevil.views.remove', name='remove'), #REPLACE * with greater/less sign containing brackets
from django.http import HttpResponse
from lilDevil.models import Devices
import json

def remove(request, ip):
        ip = ip.replace('-','.')
        devicelist = Devices.objects.all()
        for d in devicelist:
            if ip in d.device:
        return HttpResponse(status = 200)
    except Exception, e:
        return HttpResponse(e)

def new(request):
        encoded = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
        new = Devices(device=encoded["device"])
        return HttpResponse(status = 200)
    except Exception, e:
        return HttpResponse(e)

def listDevices(request):
        json_string = '{"devices": ['
        devicelist = Devices.objects.all()
        first = True
        for d in devicelist:
            if first:
                first = False
                json_string = json_string + ', '
            json_string = json_string + '{"device": "'+str(d.device)+'"}'

        json_string = json_string + ']}'
        return HttpResponse(json_string)
    except Exception, e:
        print HttpResponse(e)

Finally, the GUI script. Very similar to the one in the old post. Again, I just added the ability to request device data from the server.

from Tkinter import *
import time, urllib2, urllib, json
class flipGUI(Tk):
    def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs): #Setup the GUI and make it pretty
        Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.label1 = Label(self, width= 65, justify=CENTER, padx=5, pady=5, text="Guests") #Text label
        self.label2 = Label(self, text="") #Photo label
        self.label2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E+N+S, padx=5, pady=5)
        self.label1.grid(row=0, column=0)

    def flipping(self): #Flip through NMAP scans of detected devices
        t = self.label1.cget("text")
        t = self.label2.cget("image")
        data = getData()
        found = json.loads(data)
        photo = PhotoImage(file="picture.gif")
        if found['devices']:
            for f in found['devices']: #Loop through all but the last item
                fixed = f['device'].replace('%0a', '\n') #return to ASCII value from earlier escaped hex
            self.label1.config(text="No connected devices")
        self.after(1, self.flipping())

def getData(): #Get a list of devices from server
    url = "" #server address
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    code = response.getcode()
    if int(code) == 200:

if __name__ == "__main__":
        while 1:
            app = flipGUI()
    except Exception, e:
        print e

Final Note: Make sure to delete/clear out database or old results will carry over! I did this in an init.d script that calls the service.

Put it all together and you have a much more stable tool. I renamed it from the Hindenburg to the Lil Devil.

The Lil Devil
The Lil Devil